Hi, I AM Coach Dean Brown!

Hi, I AM Coach Dean Brown!

Your Limitless Lead Generation &
Business Scaling Systems Coach
High-Performance Lead Generation &
Business Development Coach

My team and I empower Coaches, Consultants, C-Suite executives and Creative Business Owners, who struggle with a lack of results and cracking the code to be more productive while working fewer hours per day AND fewer days per week so they can reconnect with their passions and enjoy life to its fullest.

I Teach by showing you WHY you do WHAT you do, HOW to clear your energy blocks, and Change Your Business Paradigm to Enroll 5 to 15 (or more) new clients in 90 Days or less!*

Your transformation begins by aligning Your Mind, Body, & Spirit with Awareness, Choice & Technology to release your limiting beliefs and untangle your Tech troubles through proven systems, processes, automation and the Law of Attraction!

I specialize in helping you balance your Mind, Body & Spirit synergies with your Outreach and Business systems.

We start by auditing your personal habit systems, and intentionally managing your paradigm changes using leading edge automation, process integrations, brand authenticity and meaningful relationship building that creates next-level, pre-qualified High-Ticket Lead Generation, Limitless Business Development and Scaling with ease and flow!!

I provide pre-built fully editable template systems, inspiration and guidance for creating the solutions to your problems around branding, niching down to redefine your ideal client, generating limitless pre-qualified high-ticket leads, reconnecting with and nurturing existing leads, leveraging time, scaling revenue, all while maximizing personal productivity & team results!

You will only need these things to begin;

#1 – You are Willing to face who you are NOW, and be Flexible!

#2 – You are Coachable and ready to reach your next levels and beyond!

#3 – You are Motivated to make the necessary Paradigm Changes and break through to your next levels!

#4 – You have a Budget for time, support and finances and you are ready to Rock This!


Lead Generation through Client Attraction

Teaching you HOW to change those limiting beliefs for the better, forever with authenticity, integrity and relationship building!!

I will coach you to success with only two things;

1. The latest and best techniques and systems!

2. Step-by-step processes designed just for you!

Business Development for Professionals

There is a professional state of mind that does not recognize the words “Quit”, “Fail”, “Give up”, “Maybe later”, “I don’t Have Time”!

If this is you, and you are ready to truly Learn and Grow into the Leader you need to be for you, your business and your team.

Procrastinators Start Tomorrow!

Most people look for quick fixes. They see a big success and want to know how it was done, believing (and hoping) they can do the same thing by following a quick bullet list.

But, the reality is that real change takes time, and comes not from the outside in, but from the inside out. It took you years of getting it wrong, so you can’t, and won’t change that over night, BUT, you can change it! One habit at a time, one day at a time, with a growing understanding as you go! That is how my coaching works! If you could do it yourself, you would have done it already!!

They have been proven effective over and over, by thousands of people, for several decades!

The first three habits indeed deal with yourself, because it all starts with you. They move you from dependence on the world to the independence of making your own world through shifting your paradigms and, therefore, your behavior. Habits 4, 5, and 6 are about people and your relationships with them. You will then move from independence to interdependence.

Essentially cooperating through understanding to achieve more than you could by yourself. Simple and real! The last habit, habit #7, focuses on continuous growth and improvement in all of the first 6 areas. All the while you will be developing an understanding of the “Law of Attraction”, and how to work with this Natural Law as a Spiritual partner to you and your progress. Your awareness and proper application of this Universal Natural Law is the necessary foundation for creating, manifesting, and achieving your vision of the life you desire! I haven’t even mentioned the modern research part yet

I have researched, experienced and combined Natural Law, Ancient Mystical Wisdom, Historically Proven Techniques, and Modern Day Proven Scientific Research into the single most effective method for creating your uniquely designed Paradigm Changes available today!

This is all about YOU!

The most fundamental way of changing yourself is through habit shifts. Those become paradigm shifts and are a new way of looking at how you think and live in this world. The “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” presents a framework to effectiveness based on your character, integrity and principles. These simple techniques have created amazing results with every properly dedicated application. There is no doubt about them as I have embraced, practiced and will forever live these concepts myself!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Sylvia Simon

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit. Maec enas id nibh non libero ullamcorper fringilla.


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit. Maec enas id nibh non libero ullamcorper fringilla.

Lia Kolowich

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit. Maec enas id nibh non libero ullamcorper fringilla.

Business Coaching with the Law of Attraction

The unparalleled rate of technological advancements in the coaching and business development industry presents substantial opportunities for business owners and firms eager to harness the power of the Law of Attraction. By aligning their mindset with success, these firms can manifest prosperity and effectively capitalize on the evolving landscape. Embracing this change and leveraging the Law of Attraction can create a synergistic relationship, propelling businesses towards unprecedented growth and success."


Getting our awareness down to the brass tacks of what we truly desire and then, with the awareness of EXACTLY the precise details of that desire, rather than some vague generality, place your order with the Universe, trust that you have been heard, have unshakeable belief that it is already yours and fully expect it to become manifest in an unexpected way far greater than you expected! Just like deciding the precise details of your desire when ordering an item from Amazon, and then trusting that it will be delivered soon! Keep in mind that “WANT” comes from a state of expecting something not being available, while DESIRE comes from a state of expecting that thing to be available! This fundamental difference is a crucial element within the Law of Attraction!.

The moment you ask, believe and KNOW that your desire is being vibrationally aligned to your path and is on its way to you! What you desire already exists in the unseen, and the universe has started to conspire to bring it to the seen. Have complete faith that the Universe is a mirror reflecting your dominant thoughts. Believing you already have what you’ve asked for reflects back as you have already received it. For example, you desire a new Porsche. believe that you are driving that very Porsche down a winding road. Envision yourself driving that car. You can smell it! You can feel it! You can hear it! You can see it! Do this until the dream feels like your reality. If you can see yourself with what you have asked for, you will start believing you have already received it. The Universe will provide it based on the level and strength of your vision and the depth of your belief!

Even before you have received, the act of feeling as though you have happily received communicates powerfully with the universe. Feel ALL of the sensations that come with receiving what you’ve asked for. Imagine the smell, feel, sight, and sound of what you have asked for and will receive! Even before what you desire is provided, you will feel happy. Why would you ask for something that doesn’t make you happy? You wouldn’t. Ask & believe you have already received it, it just hasn’t arrived yet, and be happy about receiving it. As soon as you make an order from Amazon, you would be excited about it being delivered. Go with that feeling! When you are happy about receiving what you desire, you are sending out the frequency of accepting and receiving. The frequency of accepting and receiving is the frequency by which all good things are brought to you. Broadcast on this frequency, and vibrationally attract to you what you’ve asked for and fully believe you will receive!

This is where the celebration comes in! You have manifested your deepest desire through the Law of Attraction! You can Create and Achieve anything! You’ve felt the desire! You’ve been intentionally aware of the details of that desire! You’ve chosen to Ask faithfully to have that desire delivered to you! You’ve been strong in the Belief of having that desire delivered soon! You’ve totally been in a willing state to Receive the provision of that desire! Even though we are already choosing happiness, we are jubilant when we are in the throes of having been able to Create and Achieve our desires! By all means, CELEBRATE! This life is meant to be a celebration! NOW is the time to reach for the sky! That was fun! Let’s do it again! What is next on your list of desires!


Getting our awareness down to the brass tacks of what we truly desire and then, with the awareness of EXACTLY the precise details of that desire, rather than some vague generality, place your order with the Universe, trust that you have been heard, have unshakeable belief that it is already yours and fully expect it to become manifest in an unexpected way far greater than you expected! Just like deciding the precise details of your desire when ordering an item from Amazon, and then trusting that it will be delivered soon! Keep in mind that “WANT” comes from a state of expecting something not being available, while DESIRE comes from a state of expecting that thing to be available! This fundamental difference is a crucial element within the Law of Attraction!.

The moment you ask, believe and KNOW that your desire is being vibrationally aligned to your path and is on its way to you! What you desire already exists in the unseen, and the universe has started to conspire to bring it to the seen. Have complete faith that the Universe is a mirror reflecting your dominant thoughts. Believing you already have what you’ve asked for reflects back as you have already received it. For example, you desire a new Porsche. believe that you are driving that very Porsche down a winding road. Envision yourself driving that car. You can smell it! You can feel it! You can hear it! You can see it! Do this until the dream feels like your reality. If you can see yourself with what you have asked for, you will start believing you have already received it. The Universe will provide it based on the level and strength of your vision and the depth of your belief!

Even before you have received, the act of feeling as though you have happily received communicates powerfully with the universe. Feel ALL of the sensations that come with receiving what you’ve asked for. Imagine the smell, feel, sight, and sound of what you have asked for and will receive! Even before what you desire is provided, you will feel happy. Why would you ask for something that doesn’t make you happy? You wouldn’t. Ask & believe you have already received it, it just hasn’t arrived yet, and be happy about receiving it. As soon as you make an order from Amazon, you would be excited about it being delivered. Go with that feeling! When you are happy about receiving what you desire, you are sending out the frequency of accepting and receiving. The frequency of accepting and receiving is the frequency by which all good things are brought to you. Broadcast on this frequency, and vibrationally attract to you what you’ve asked for and fully believe you will receive!

This is where the celebration comes in! You have manifested your deepest desire through the Law of Attraction! You can Create and Achieve anything! You’ve felt the desire! You’ve been intentionally aware of the details of that desire! You’ve chosen to Ask faithfully to have that desire delivered to you! You’ve been strong in the Belief of having that desire delivered soon! You’ve totally been in a willing state to Receive the provision of that desire! Even though we are already choosing happiness, we are jubilant when we are in the throes of having been able to Create and Achieve our desires! By all means, CELEBRATE! This life is meant to be a celebration! NOW is the time to reach for the sky! That was fun! Let’s do it again! What is next on your list of desires!

Stress Elimination

Our daily environment does not need, want or have to be a source of stress!! We are conditioned to react to the external and allow those stimulae that we cannot control determine our circumstances! It is time to live from the inside and the things we CAN control!

Business Development

Each business faces hurdles and reciprocal expectations between the company and its clients, as well as clients and the company. By being proactive in your work ethic, you consistently position yourself on the right trajectory towards heightened awareness, empowered decision-making, and an abundance of success and prosperity.

Business Development

Every business has its challenges, and expectations, BOTH WAYS, business to clients and clients to business! Being pro-active in your work ethic will always put you on the correct path to awareness, choice, abundance, and prosperity!! 

Goal Setting

We all learn differently, but learn we must! This is fundamental to Goal Setting AND achieving!!

Goal setting is a skill with a very intentional set of tools and practices!

I will walk you through the most effective process for setting and achieving your goals!


Goal Setting

Everyone has unique learning styles, but it's essential for us to learn! This is a crucial aspect of both setting and accomplishing goals.

Mastering goal setting requires a purposeful collection of tools and techniques!

I'll guide you through the most efficient method for establishing and reaching your objectives!



You maintain connections with everyone you encounter, including friends, spouses, siblings, parents, neighbors, store clerks, and acquaintances.

Cultivating relationships with your ideal clients lays the groundwork for a thriving business that will prosper for years into the future!


You have a relationship with every friend, spouse, brother, sister, parent, neighbor, store clerk, and person that you know.

The relationships you develop with your Ideal Client is what will build the foundations of your successful business for years to come!!

What Is The Paradigm Changers Business Quest and Who is it For?

There are Natural Laws in this Universe that govern our lives whether we are aware of them or not!

Our Business Coaching programs introduce you to, then helps you comprehend, understand, and work with these scientifically proven subjects; Quantum Theory, Meditation, Yoga, Mindset, Spiritual and Self Awareness, Goal Setting, The Law of Attraction, Personal High-Performance, and how these all have an inter-related compound effect on your personal reality, business results and overall abundance.

Our culture; Ask, Believe & Receive to Achieve!

Our Motto; The obstacle is the way!

Our Tribe; Coaches, Consultants, C-Suite Executives and Small Business Owners

I help clients identify and implement the most effective strategies for goal planning and management, as well as facilitate transformative shifts in mindset, habits, systems, automation, and process integration. My approach generates top-tier, pre-qualified high-ticket leads and fosters premium business development through genuine communication and long-lasting value, seamlessly and efficiently.

I will guide you away from the misconceptions you believed were correct and steer you towards the truth.

This coaching program is not for the faint-hearted or those seeking a quick fix. It's about rediscovering and reclaiming your true self.

You've spent years getting to this point, and healing will require time and dedication.

My method is meticulously crafted from years of research and the latest proven techniques to cater to individuals who recognize they need help reaching the next level. You've reached a point where you're tired of the status quo, and you know it's holding you back.

Although the next step might be uncertain, it's crucial to take it correctly and decisively.

Failing to alter your current trajectory will only lead to the repetition and recurrence of the same issues that have been holding you back.

It's time to acknowledge that you've spent enough time spinning your wheels, and admit this truth to yourself.

This is where I step in, offering the support and guidance you need, right here and now.

There are Natural Laws in this Universe that govern our lives whether we are aware of them or not! This Business Coaching introduces you to, then helps you comprehend, understand, and work with these scientifically proven subjects; Quantum Theory, Meditation, Yoga, Mindset, Spiritual and Self Awareness, Goal Setting, The Law of Attraction, Personal High-Performance, and how these all have an inter related compound effect on your Personal Reality.

My culture is; Ask, Believe & Receive to Achieve! The obstacle is the way!

My Tribe is; Coaches, Consultants, C-Suite Executives and Creative Business Owners

The problem I solve is; To find and adopt the most proven systems for planning & managing goals and achieving those paradigm changes in mindset, habits, systems, automation and process integration that Produces next-level, pre-qualified High-Ticket lead generation and premium Business Development through authentic communication and lifetime value with ease and flow!!

I will deliver you and your life from what you thought was right and yet know is wrong!

This Coaching is NOT for someone who is a wimp, after a quick fix!

This about you reclaiming you, nothing less!

It took you years to make the mess you are in!

Your healing is going to take TIME & hard WORK!

My Coaching is specifically and painstakingly designed from years of research and using the latest proven techniques , for the individual that understands they need help getting to the next level. You have come to that place in yourself where you are fed up with the same old same old & you know it is killing you.

The next step is unclear, yet has to happen, and has to happen once, Correctly…!

If you choose to not change this pattern, you and your life are bound to repeat and relive the same crap that brought you here in the first place..!

You have already wasted enough time spinning your wheels, and you can now admit this truth to yourself!

This is where I come in, and WHY I am here for you, NOW!


Do you react to the external stimulus of the world without pause for thought? This invites the world to essentially control you! This is a static behavior that prevents creativity and fosters a stagnant existence. The world happens FOR us, not TO us! We are supposed to see the obstacles of life as lessons, face the inherent fears of failure, exercise our power of choice, and grow into our next greatest self. We MUST CHOOSE to pause, comprehend, and CREATE the best results with awareness and patience. Embrace every challenge as a precious lesson provided just for you as another stepping stone to your greatest potential! It IS that simple!

Start Creating Your Reality!
Beginning with the end in mind means being clear about who you desire to be and where you desire to go! And then, travel that path with zeal and clarity. This habit is based on imagination and the fact that two different forms of creation exist: mental creation and physical creation. The mental creation comes first when you have a thought that leads to an idea! The physical creation begins when you take action to manifest that idea into reality. If you are not totally clear about the mental creation, and where you want to be, you are at the mercy of randomness and circumstances. You will have zero input on the output! You are already doing it, you just don’t know how you are doing it, or how to choose the end result!

Time Management is Life Management: Put Your Life Priorities First.
Habit three is all about prioritization. If you LIVE the steps of habits 1 and 2, then you have your values and life goal very clear. This means you know what your priorities are… AND are not… All of your prioritization is done through the filter of your life goals. Now that you know what you need and desire, and have a burning motivation to do and be that, your YES’s and NO’s will become perfectly clear. That’s the bedrock of prioritization. Now that we know the WHAT, we need to manage the WHEN. Introducing The Time Quadrant. To be truly productive, we must spend most of our time on non-urgent and important tasks and activities. This way, we will rarely have to deal with urgent and important tasks, which heighten our stress, delivers sub-par results, and leads to negative self-talk! Choosing how, when, and for how long to ALLOW yourself to engage in the “NOT important” tasks and activities is also key to maintaining a powerful level of High-Performance productivity, minimal stress, and optimal results! It’s not difficult, it’s discipline!

Win – Win – Win is a character based approach to human interactions. We achieve this level after we acquire three essential character traits:

1. Integrity (sticking with who you are: feelings, values & actions)
2. Maturity (expressing your ideas and feelings with a balance of courage, humility, responsibility and consideration)
3.Abundance mentality (life contains no zero sum, there’s complete abundance & plenty for all)
The importance of integrity rests in the sense of aligning your true self with your public actions. Most people think in terms of either/or; Either you’re nice (and a push over)/or you’re tough (and a bully). This is called Victim or Viking mentality. Maturity, on the other hand, is that happy balance in between, that requires you to be empathetic and confident, considerate and brave, all at the same time. Therein lies the key! A Social Bank Account talks about human relationships in terms of emotional and human balance. When you approach life with a win-win-win mindset, you always treat people well and you make deposits in your emotional, Social Bank Account. If one day something goes wrong and you need a withdrawal, you can count on years of systematic balance surpluses, and people will be more than happy to help you. All of the other Human Interaction Scenarios are sub-par and only have merit in specific circumstances that are better suited for those approaches.

A. You Win / They Lose (egotistical and authoritarian with no sense of humility or ultimate responsibility)
B. You Lose / They Win (too nice and a pushover, with weak levels of awareness and character)
C. You Lose / They Lose (when two Win/Lose people butt heads with zero humility or integrity).
D. You Win only. (when you are in a competition or sport)
ALL of these scenarios are 100% subject to AWARENESS and CHOICE!

Communication is the most important skill in our societal AND internal life, and most of us are poorly trained in basic listening, let alone empathetic listening. Indeed, in today’s society, very few people even listen at all. This should be a pivotal moment, because the foundation of influencing people, comes from first understanding them AND yourself. Understanding people requires the choice of skilled listening, which leads to that understanding. Then, and only then, to the necessary next level of clear communication! There are four levels of listening to ourselves AND others;

1. Ignoring
2. Pretending to listen
3. Attentive listening
4. Empathetic listening
Even most good listeners stop at the third level of attentive listening without even realizing it. This applies to listening to ourselves AND others. The TRUTH is the key! Attentive listening follows this pattern;
Evaluate: Assess from your own frame of reference, and then agree or disagree.
Probe: ask questions, from your own frame of reference.
Advise: give advice based on your own frame of reference.
Interpret: interpret their actions and feelings, based on your own frame of reference.
EVERY time we use our own frame of reference, we project our own paradigms into the situation. this ignores the frame of reference from the other person/people, our spiritual awareness, skews the results, and often turns a win into a lose! Empathetic listening, on the other hand, removes your own frame of reference as much as possible. It looks at body language, tone of voice, emotional responses, spiritual signals and nonverbal gestures in a pure effort to understand the foundational TRUTH, and their/your frame of reference! I know, THIS IS DEEP! Let’s just focus on the non-spiritual aspect for now! I will teach you the “spiritual” aspect in your coaching program! Ultimately, empathetic listening means putting yourself in their shoes, feeling what they’re feeling, listening for their TRUTH! This is key because before people can move to solutions, they need to feel that you understand them. To be understood clearly, do not start with just logic but explain where you’re coming from emotionally, and THEN, start to communicate!

A Team is Stronger Than an Individual
The idea of synergy is that the whole of a well functioning team or group is greater than the mere sum of its parts. The key to effective synergy is to really value the differences among us, and use each of our strengths to improve all the crucial aspects, and, ultimately, the end result of any given situation. So ask yourself: Do you want to be right, or do you want everyone to agree? Learn to embrace differences as a strength instead. Synergy also entails “flow” and perfect group automation as if the group was functioning as one. That’s when you achieve top results. This does not delve into the spiritual aspect of “SYNERGY” at this time! That part is inside my coaching program!

This is all about enhancing yourself through the four dimensions of renewal:

1.Physical: Exercise, nutrition, and stress management. This means caring for your physical body, eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.
2.Social/emotional: Service, empathy, synergy, and intrinsic security. This provides you with a feeling of security and meaning.
3.Spiritual: Value clarification and commitment, study, and meditation. In focusing on this area of your life, you get closer to your center and your inner value system.
4.Mental: Reading, visualizing, planning, and writing. To continually educate yourself means expanding your mind. This is essential for effectiveness. To “sharpen the saw” means to express and exercise all four of these motivations regularly, congruently and consistently. This is the most important investment you can make in your life, as you are the instrument of your performance. It’s essential to tend to each area with balance, as to overindulge in one area means to neglect another.
However, a positive effect of sharpening your saw in one dimension is that it has a knock-on positive effect in another, due to them being interrelated. For instance, by focusing on your physical health, you inadvertently improve your mental health, too. This, in turn, creates an upward spiral of growth and change that helps you to become increasingly self-aware. Moving up the spiral means you must learn, commit, and do increasingly more as you move upwards and progressively become a more efficient individual.


Do you react to the external stimulus of the world without pause for thought? This invites the world to essentially control you! This is a static behavior that prevents creativity and fosters a stagnant existence. The world happens FOR us, not TO us! We are supposed to see the obstacles of life as lessons, face the inherent fears of failure, exercise our power of choice, and grow into our next greatest self. We MUST CHOOSE to pause, comprehend, and CREATE the best results with awareness and patience. Embrace every challenge as a precious lesson provided just for you as another stepping stone to your greatest potential! It IS that simple!

Start Creating Your Reality! Beginning with the end in mind means being clear about who you desire to be and where you desire to go! And then, travel that path with zeal and clarity. This habit is based on imagination and the fact that two different forms of creation exist: mental creation and physical creation. The mental creation comes first when you have a thought that leads to an idea! The physical creation begins when you take action to manifest that idea into reality. If you are not totally clear about the mental creation, and where you want to be, you are at the mercy of randomness and circumstances. You will have zero input on the output! You are already doing it, you just don’t know how you are doing it, or how to choose the end result!

Time Management is Life Management: Put Your Life Priorities First. Habit three is all about prioritization. If you LIVE the steps of habits 1 and 2, then you have your values and life goal very clear. This means you know what your priorities are… AND are not… All of your prioritization is done through the filter of your life goals. Now that you know what you need and desire, and have a burning motivation to do and be that, your YES’s and NO’s will become perfectly clear. That’s the bedrock of prioritization. Now that we know the WHAT, we need to manage the WHEN. Introducing The Time Quadrant. To be truly productive, we must spend most of our time on non-urgent and important tasks and activities. This way, we will rarely have to deal with urgent and important tasks, which heighten our stress, delivers sub-par results, and leads to negative self-talk! Choosing how, when, and for how long to ALLOW yourself to engage in the “NOT important” tasks and activities is also key to maintaining a powerful level of High-Performance productivity, minimal stress, and optimal results! It’s not difficult, it’s discipline!

Win – Win – Win is a character based approach to human interactions. We achieve this level after we acquire three essential character traits:
1. Integrity (sticking with who you are: feelings, values & actions)
2. Maturity (expressing your ideas and feelings with a balance of courage, humility, responsibility and consideration)
3. Abundance mentality (life contains no zero sum, there’s complete abundance & plenty for all)
The importance of integrity rests in the sense of aligning your true self with your public actions. Most people think in terms of either/or; Either you’re nice (and a push over)/or you’re tough (and a bully). This is called Victim or Viking mentality. Maturity, on the other hand, is that happy balance in between, that requires you to be empathetic and confident, considerate and brave, all at the same time. Therein lies the key! A Social Bank Account talks about human relationships in terms of emotional and human balance. When you approach life with a win-win-win mindset, you always treat people well and you make deposits in your emotional, Social Bank Account. If one day something goes wrong and you need a withdrawal, you can count on years of systematic balance surpluses, and people will be more than happy to help you. All of the other Human Interaction Scenarios are sub-par and only have merit in specific circumstances that are better suited for those approaches.
A. You Win / They Lose (egotistical and authoritarian with no sense of humility or ultimate responsibility)
B. You Lose / They Win (too nice and a pushover, with weak levels of awareness and character)
C. You Lose / They Lose (when two Win/Lose people butt heads with zero humility or integrity).
D. You Win only. (when you are in a competition or sport) ALL of these scenarios are 100% subject to AWARENESS and CHOICE!

Communication is the most important skill in our societal AND internal life, and most of us are poorly trained in basic listening, let alone empathetic listening. Indeed, in today’s society, very few people even listen at all. This should be a pivotal moment, because the foundation of influencing people, comes from first understanding them AND yourself. Understanding people requires the choice of skilled listening, which leads to that understanding. Then, and only then, to the necessary next level of clear communication! There are four levels of listening to ourselves AND others;
1. Ignoring,
2. Pretending to listen,
3. Attentive listening,
4. Empathetic listening.
Even most good listeners stop at the third level of attentive listening without even realizing it. This applies to listening to ourselves AND others. The TRUTH is the key! Attentive listening follows this pattern; Evaluate: Assess from your own frame of reference, and then agree or disagree. Probe: ask questions, from your own frame of reference. Advise: give advice based on your own frame of reference. Interpret: interpret their actions and feelings, based on your own frame of reference. EVERY time we use our own frame of reference, we project our own paradigms into the situation. this ignores the frame of reference from the other person/people, our spiritual awareness, skews the results, and often turns a win into a lose! Empathetic listening, on the other hand, removes your own frame of reference as much as possible. It looks at body language, tone of voice, emotional responses, spiritual signals and nonverbal gestures in a pure effort to understand the foundational TRUTH, and their/your frame of reference! I know, THIS IS DEEP! Let’s just focus on the non-spiritual aspect for now! I will teach you the “spiritual” aspect in your coaching program! Ultimately, empathetic listening means putting yourself in their shoes, feeling what they’re feeling, listening for their TRUTH! This is key because before people can move to solutions, they need to feel that you understand them. To be understood clearly, do not start with just logic but explain where you’re coming from emotionally, and THEN, start to communicate!

A Team is Stronger Than an Individual The idea of synergy is that the whole of a well functioning team or group is greater than the mere sum of its parts. The key to effective synergy is to really value the differences among us, and use each of our strengths to improve all the crucial aspects, and, ultimately, the end result of any given situation. So ask yourself: Do you want to be right, or do you want everyone to agree? Learn to embrace differences as a strength instead. Synergy also entails “flow” and perfect group automation as if the group was functioning as one. That’s when you achieve top results. This does not delve into the spiritual aspect of “SYNERGY” at this time! That part is inside my coaching program!

This is all about enhancing yourself through the four dimensions of renewal: Physical: Exercise, nutrition, and stress management. This means caring for your physical body, eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Social/emotional: Service, empathy, synergy, and intrinsic security. This provides you with a feeling of security and meaning. Spiritual: Value clarification and commitment, study, and meditation. In focusing on this area of your life, you get closer to your center and your inner value system. Mental: Reading, visualizing, planning, and writing. To continually educate yourself means expanding your mind. This is essential for effectiveness. To “sharpen the saw” means to express and exercise all four of these motivations regularly, congruently and consistently. This is the most important investment you can make in your life, as you are the instrument of your performance. It’s essential to tend to each area with balance, as to overindulge in one area means to neglect another. However, a positive effect of sharpening your saw in one dimension is that it has a knock-on positive effect in another, due to them being interrelated. For instance, by focusing on your physical health, you inadvertently improve your mental health, too. This, in turn, creates an upward spiral of growth and change that helps you to become increasingly self-aware. Moving up the spiral means you must learn, commit, and do increasingly more as you move upwards and progressively become a more efficient individual.

Do you react to the external stimulus of the world without pause for thought? This invites the world to essentially control you! This is a static behavior that prevents creativity and fosters a stagnant existence. The world happens FOR us, not TO us! We are supposed to see the obstacles of life as lessons, face the inherent fears of failure, exercise our power of choice, and grow into our next greatest self. We MUST CHOOSE to pause, comprehend, and CREATE the best results with awareness and patience. Embrace every challenge as a precious lesson provided just for you as another stepping stone to your greatest potential! It IS that simple!

Beginning with the end in mind means being clear about who you desire to be and where you desire to go! And then, travel that path with zeal and clarity. This habit is based on imagination and the fact that two different forms of creation exist: mental creation and physical creation. The mental creation comes first when you have a thought that leads to an idea! The physical creation begins when you take action to manifest that idea into reality. If you are not totally clear about the mental creation, and where you want to be, you are at the mercy of randomness and circumstances. You will have zero input on the output! You are already doing it, you just don’t know how you are doing it, or how to choose the end result!

.Time Management is Life Management: Put Your Life Priorities First. Habit three is all about prioritization. If you LIVE the steps of habits 1 and 2, then you have your values and life goal very clear. This means you know what your priorities are… AND are not… All of your prioritization is done through the filter of your life goals. Now that you know what you need and desire, and have a burning motivation to do and be that, your YES’s and NO’s will become perfectly clear. That’s the bedrock of prioritization. Now that we know the WHAT, we need to manage the WHEN. Introducing The Time Quadrant. To be truly productive, we must spend most of our time on non-urgent and important tasks and activities. This way, we will rarely have to deal with urgent and important tasks, which heighten our stress, delivers sub-par results, and leads to negative self-talk! Choosing how, when, and for how long to ALLOW yourself to engage in the “NOT important” tasks and activities is also key to maintaining a powerful level of High-Performance productivity, minimal stress, and optimal results! It’s not difficult, it’s discipline!

Win – Win – Win is a character based approach to human interactions. We achieve this level after we acquire three essential character traits: 1. Integrity (sticking with who you are: feelings, values & actions) 2. Maturity (expressing your ideas and feelings with a balance of courage, humility, responsibility and consideration) 3. Abundance mentality (life contains no zero sum, there’s complete abundance & plenty for all) The importance of integrity rests in the sense of aligning your true self with your public actions. Most people think in terms of either/or; Either you’re nice (and a push over)/or you’re tough (and a bully). This is called Victim or Viking mentality. Maturity, on the other hand, is that happy balance in between, that requires you to be empathetic and confident, considerate and brave, all at the same time. Therein lies the key! A Social Bank Account talks about human relationships in terms of emotional and human balance. When you approach life with a win-win-win mindset, you always treat people well and you make deposits in your emotional, Social Bank Account. If one day something goes wrong and you need a withdrawal, you can count on years of systematic balance surpluses, and people will be more than happy to help you. All of the other Human Interaction Scenarios are sub-par and only have merit in specific circumstances that are better suited for those approaches. A. You Win / They Lose (egotistical and authoritarian with no sense of humility or ultimate responsibility) B. You Lose / They Win (too nice and a pushover, with weak levels of awareness and character) C. You Lose / They Lose (when two Win/Lose people butt heads with zero humility or integrity). D. You Win only. (when you are in a competition or sport) ALL of these scenarios are 100% subject to AWARENESS and CHOICE!

Communication is the most important skill in our societal AND internal life, and most of us are poorly trained in basic listening, let alone empathetic listening. Indeed, in today’s society, very few people even listen at all. This should be a pivotal moment, because the foundation of influencing people, comes from first understanding them AND yourself. Understanding people requires the choice of skilled listening, which leads to that understanding. Then, and only then, to the necessary next level of clear communication! There are four levels of listening to ourselves AND others; 1. Ignoring, 2. Pretending to listen, 3. Attentive listening, 4. Empathetic listening. Even most good listeners stop at the third level of attentive listening without even realizing it. This applies to listening to ourselves AND others. The TRUTH is the key! Attentive listening follows this pattern; Evaluate: Assess from your own frame of reference, and then agree or disagree. Probe: ask questions, from your own frame of reference. Advise: give advice based on your own frame of reference. Interpret: interpret their actions and feelings, based on your own frame of reference. EVERY time we use our own frame of reference, we project our own paradigms into the situation. this ignores the frame of reference from the other person/people, our spiritual awareness, skews the results, and often turns a win into a lose! Empathetic listening, on the other hand, removes your own frame of reference as much as possible. It looks at body language, tone of voice, emotional responses, spiritual signals and nonverbal gestures in a pure effort to understand the foundational TRUTH, and their/your frame of reference! I know, THIS IS DEEP! Let’s just focus on the non-spiritual aspect for now! I will teach you the “spiritual” aspect in your coaching program! Ultimately, empathetic listening means putting yourself in their shoes, feeling what they’re feeling, listening for their TRUTH! This is key because before people can move to solutions, they need to feel that you understand them. To be understood clearly, do not start with just logic but explain where you’re coming from emotionally, and THEN, start to communicate!

A Team is Stronger Than an Individual The idea of synergy is that the whole of a well functioning team or group is greater than the mere sum of its parts. The key to effective synergy is to really value the differences among us, and use each of our strengths to improve all the crucial aspects, and, ultimately, the end result of any given situation. So ask yourself: Do you want to be right, or do you want everyone to agree? Learn to embrace differences as a strength instead. Synergy also entails “flow” and perfect group automation as if the group was functioning as one. That’s when you achieve top results. This does not delve into the spiritual aspect of “SYNERGY” at this time! That part is inside my coaching program!

This is all about enhancing yourself through the four dimensions of renewal: Physical: Exercise, nutrition, and stress management. This means caring for your physical body, eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Social/emotional: Service, empathy, synergy, and intrinsic security. This provides you with a feeling of security and meaning. Spiritual: Value clarification and commitment, study, and meditation. In focusing on this area of your life, you get closer to your center and your inner value system. Mental: Reading, visualizing, planning, and writing. To continually educate yourself means expanding your mind. This is essential for effectiveness. To “sharpen the saw” means to express and exercise all four of these motivations regularly, congruently and consistently. This is the most important investment you can make in your life, as you are the instrument of your performance. It’s essential to tend to each area with balance, as to overindulge in one area means to neglect another. However, a positive effect of sharpening your saw in one dimension is that it has a knock-on positive effect in another, due to them being interrelated. For instance, by focusing on your physical health, you inadvertently improve your mental health, too. This, in turn, creates an upward spiral of growth and change that helps you to become increasingly self-aware. Moving up the spiral means you must learn, commit, and do increasingly more as you move upwards and progressively become a more efficient individual.

About Me

I have journeyed through hell, conquered battles, gleaned invaluable lessons, attained the happiness I longed for, and emerged to teach you how to achieve the same.

There was a time in my life when I believed everyone would be better off without me.

My father's teachings had pushed me to the edge: work hard, be tough, conceal emotions, be unyielding with others, never back down, follow orders without questioning, never forgive or complain, view hate as the strongest emotion, consider love as weakness, and do what I say, not what I do.

Despite consistently reaching the top in all my endeavors, it was always through sheer force and never accompanied by happiness.

As a result, I attempted to end my life on two occasions.

Eventually, I came to understand that my life held a profound purpose that I had not fully grasped at the time, and I am destined to help others achieve their dreams and goals.

Having discovered the spiritual truth of my identity and purpose, I am now devoted to fulfilling that mission.

I am vibrantly alive, divinely inspired, ever-present in the now, and committed to helping you uncover your own truth.

My aim is to facilitate your healing, transform your current struggles into a personalized journey towards happiness, and help you refine your skills along the way.

The world reflects your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions.

You have already practiced shaping your personal reality and manifested your future. Your current life is a result of your own creation, but you were unaware of the formula you employed unintentionally rather than deliberately.

Now, you should recognize this fundamental truth of life itself.

You have been the architect of your present reality, and you possess the ability to design your future and happiness if you choose to do so. You simply didn't know the how, why, what, or when.

These skills can be learned—I know this because I have been taught, learned, faced challenges, practiced, and chosen to become who I am destined to be.

Now, I will teach you HOW to do the same thing!! You have already taken the first step on this journey!

You are HERE, NOW, reading this! Realizing that THIS was meant to be! You are in the right place, at the right time!

Below is a picture of me, in my truck, taking the plunge into a new adventure! I invite you to do the same thing for your life!

You know that you need a totally different way of living your life, how to learn from your mistakes, and create your new future.

That is why you are here, now, deciding what you need to do next! Your next step is obvious!! Take the Plunge!

Congratulations! You are ready to take that plunge, and choose to book a time when you will MEET ME!

Because I know how to take that Plunge, teach and guide you to do the same, and because you have chosen to invest in YOU!

That is why I choose to commit myself to your future! That is why I am here for you!

Click the “Book a free 60-minute video Call” button below, and schedule a time for us to have a meaningful, transformational conversation!

I promise to lead you through a mind altering experience on this call, that is an example of how I will teach you to heal yourself and learn the correct way to “ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE, and Ultimately ACHIEVE!!

The “Law of Attraction” has brought you here! The guidance is for me to provide, the work is for you to do!

You can connect with me at all of my best spots with this link

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